World Time Ukraine

Current local time in Ukraine


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Exact time and daylight saving time in Ukraine in 2024

Current time in UA

--:-- EEST   


Ukraine time change

Next time change is in 1 month and 17 days, set your clock back 1 hour.

Daylight Saving Time 2024 (Summer Time)

DST starts on Sunday 31 March 2024, 03:00
DST ends on Sunday 27 October 2024, 04:00

In Ukraine the clocks go forward 1:00 hour at 03:00 on Sunday, March 31 and back 1:00 hour at 04:00 on Sunday, October 27.

The period when the clocks are 1:00 hour ahead is called daylight time - Eastern European Summer Time. There’s more daylight in the evenings and less in the mornings (sometimes called Daylight Saving Time).

When the clocks go back, Ukraine is on standard time - Eastern European Time.


Time difference to GMT/UTC

Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +2:00 hours
Daylight saving time: +1:00 hour
Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT +3:00 hours
Time zone abbreviation: EEST

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