World Time Mexico Mexico City Mexico City

Current local time in Mexico City

Mexico City

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Mexico City time to your local time converter

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico

Mexico City - local time right now, summer/winter time conversion dates in 2024

Local time

--:-- CST


Mexico City summer time (DST) in 2024

No known DST-adjustments for year 2024

Mexico City time zone


Time difference to GMT/UTC

Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -6 hours
No daylight saving time at the moment


Airport IATA ICAO Distance to Mexico City
Benito Juarez International Airport MEX MMMX 6 km
Licenciado Adolfo Lopez Mateos International Airport TLC MMTO 46 km
Hermanos Serdan International Airport PBC MMPB 85 km


Latitude: 19° 26' North
Longitude: 99° 08' West
Population: 12294193

Mexico City online map

Mexico City online map

Time at locations near Mexico City time zone : Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Canton, Wuhan, Taipei, Chongqing, Chengdu, Sian, Hangzhou


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