Local time
--:-- CDT
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -6:00 hours |
Daylight saving time: | +1:00 hour |
Current time zone offset: | UTC/GMT -5:00 hours |
Time zone abbreviation: | CDT |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00
Time zone
The 217 area code lies within the Central Time (CT)
CST - Central Standard TimeCDT - Central Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Major cities and communities served by area code 217
- Springfield
- Chatham
- Auburn
- Sherman
- Rochester
- Riverton
- Pawnee
- Williamsville
- New Berlin
- Divernon
- Illiopolis
- Pleasant Plains
- Loami
- Champaign
- Urbana
- Savoy
- Mahomet
- Tolono
- Fisher
- Philo
- Sidney
- Thomasboro
- Pesotum
- Bondville
- Sadorus
- Ludlow
- Ivesdale
- Foosland
- Decatur
- Mount Zion
- Maroa
- Harristown
- Warrensburg
- Macon
- Blue Mound
- Argenta
- Oreana
- Quincy
- Camp Point
- Payson
- Clayton
- Golden
- Ursa
- Liberty
- Loraine
- Lima
- Danville
- Hoopeston
- Georgetown
- Westville
- Catlin
- Rossville
- Ridge Farm
- Potomac
- Fairmount
- Sidell
- Bismarck
- Henning
- Collison
- Charleston
- Mattoon
- Oakland
- Ashmore
- Humboldt
- Jacksonville
- Waverly
- Meredosia
- Franklin
- Murrayville
- Chapin
- Literberry
- Lincoln
- Atlanta
- Mount Pulaski
- Emden
- Elkhart
- Latham
- Effingham
- Teutopolis
- Watson
- Dieterich
- Montrose
- Taylorville
- Pana
- Kincaid
- Assumption
- Edinburg
- Morrisonville
- Stonington
- Owaneco
- Paris
- Chrisman
- Kansas
- Brocton
- Vermilion
- Metcalf
- Redmon
- Grandview
- Clinton
- Weldon
- Waynesville
- Kenney
- Litchfield
- Hillsboro
- Nokomis
- Raymond
- Witt
- Farmersville
- Coffeen
- Irving
- Fillmore
- Beardstown
- Virginia
- Ashland
- Chandlerville
- Arenzville
- Carlinville
- Virden
- Gillespie
- Girard
- Mount Olive
- Benld
- Palmyra
- Monticello
- Bement
- Cerro Gordo
- Mansfield
- Hammond
- Cisco
- Shelbyville
- Moweaqua
- Windsor
- Stewardson
- Findlay
- Tower Hill
- Cowden
- Sigel
- Oconee
- Sullivan
- Bethany
- Lovington
- Pittsfield
- Barry
- Griggsville
- Pleasant Hill
- Hull
- Perry
- Milton
- Pearl
- Rockport
- Tuscola
- Arcola
- Villa Grove
- Arthur
- Atwood
- Newman
- Paxton
- Gibson City
- Melvin
- Roberts
- Sibley
- Marshall
- Casey
- Martinsville
- Westfield
- West Union
- Rushville
- Hamilton
- Carthage
- Warsaw
- La Harpe
- Nauvoo
- Dallas City
- Augusta
- Bowen
- Ferris
- Basco
- Carrollton
- White Hall
- Roodhouse
- Greenfield
- Petersburg
- Athens
- Greenview
- Tallula
- Oakford
- Mason City
- Mount Sterling
- Versailles
- Neoga
- Greenup
- Toledo
- Winchester
- Bluffs
- Manchester
- Buckley
- Loda
- Thawville
- Sorento
- Lomax