Local time
--:-- PDT
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -8:00 hours |
Daylight saving time: | +1:00 hour |
Current time zone offset: | UTC/GMT -7:00 hours |
Time zone abbreviation: | PDT |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00
Time zone
The 509 area code lies within the Pacific Time (PT)
PST - Pacific Standard TimePDT - Pacific Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Major cities and communities served by area code 509
- Spokane
- Cheney
- Mead
- Country Homes
- Deer Park
- Fairfield
- Rockford
- Spangle
- Latah
- Yakima
- Sunnyside
- Grandview
- Toppenish
- Selah
- Union Gap
- Wapato
- Granger
- Ahtanum
- Mabton
- Tieton
- Naches
- White Swan
- Harrah
- Kennewick
- Richland
- West Richland
- Finley
- Prosser
- Benton City
- Paterson
- Pasco
- Connell
- Wenatchee
- Chelan
- Walla Walla
- College Place
- Burbank
- Waitsburg
- Touchet
- Prescott
- Eureka
- Moses Lake
- Ephrata
- Warden
- Coulee City
- George
- Wilson Creek
- Ellensburg
- Cle Elum
- Roslyn
- East Wenatchee
- Bridgeport
- Othello
- Ritzville
- Lind
- Washtucna
- Clarkston
- Asotin
- Anatone
- Omak
- Brewster
- Oroville
- Coulee Dam
- Tonasket
- Pateros
- Nespelem
- Loomis
- Molson
- Colville
- Chewelah
- Kettle Falls
- Northport
- Springdale
- Goldendale
- White Salmon
- Dallesport
- Lyle
- Klickitat
- Glenwood
- Colfax
- Palouse
- Tekoa
- Garfield
- Rosalia
- Oakesdale
- Uniontown
- Endicott
- Farmington
- Dayton
- Starbuck
- Newport
- Ione
- Metaline Falls
- Cusick
- Davenport
- Odessa
- Wilbur
- Reardan
- Sprague
- Harrington
- Almira
- Creston
- Stevenson
- Pomeroy
- Republic
- Curlew
- Roosevelt