Local time
--:-- CDT
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -6:00 hours |
Daylight saving time: | +1:00 hour |
Current time zone offset: | UTC/GMT -5:00 hours |
Time zone abbreviation: | CDT |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00
Time zone
The 573 area code lies within the Central Time (CT)
CST - Central Standard TimeCDT - Central Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Major cities and communities served by area code 573
- Columbia
- Centralia
- Ashland
- Hallsville
- Sturgeon
- Rocheport
- Jefferson City
- Russellville
- Centertown
- Eugene
- Cape Girardeau
- Jackson
- Delta
- Oak Ridge
- Rolla
- Newburg
- Edgar Springs
- Farmington
- Bonne Terre
- Flat River
- Bismarck
- Hannibal
- Palmyra
- Monroe City
- Philadelphia
- Poplar Bluff
- Neelyville
- Qulin
- Sikeston
- Chaffee
- Oran
- Benton
- Fulton
- Holts Summit
- Auxvasse
- New Bloomfield
- Mokane
- Mexico
- Vandalia
- Laddonia
- Martinsburg
- Kennett
- Malden
- Campbell
- Senath
- Cardwell
- Hornersville
- Holcomb
- Perryville
- Dexter
- Bernie
- Bloomfield
- Advance
- Puxico
- Bell City
- Sullivan
- New Haven
- Berger
- Stanton
- Caruthersville
- Hayti
- Steele
- Wardell
- Charleston
- East Prairie
- Wyatt
- Bowling Green
- Louisiana
- Eolia
- Clarksville
- Frankford
- Waynesville
- Richland
- Dixon
- Crocker
- Salem
- Boss
- Eldon
- Iberia
- Tuscumbia
- California
- Clarksburg
- Fredericktown
- Camdenton
- Cuba
- Steelville
- Bourbon
- Leasburg
- Cherryville
- Portageville
- New Madrid
- Lilbourn
- Gideon
- Morehouse
- Parma
- Marston
- Risco
- Licking
- Montgomery City
- Wellsville
- New Florence
- Bellflower
- Middletown
- Potosi
- Irondale
- Belgrade
- Richwoods
- Owensville
- Hermann
- Bland
- Mount Sterling
- Versailles
- Stover
- Gravois Mills
- Canton
- La Grange
- Lewistown
- Ewing
- Monticello
- Doniphan
- Fairdealing
- Naylor
- Elsberry
- Piedmont
- Greenville
- Williamsville
- Patterson
- Shelbina
- Shelbyville
- Hunnewell
- Belle
- Vienna
- Vichy
- Marble Hill
- Patton
- Linn
- Freeburg
- Westphalia
- Chamois
- Meta
- Ironton
- Annapolis
- Belleview
- New London
- Perry
- Center
- Ellington
- Bunker
- Centerville
- Lesterville
- Van Buren
- Ellsinore
- Grandin
- Fremont
- Birch Tree
- Eminence
- Bloomsdale
- Clark
- Stoutsville
- Santa Fe