Local time
--:-- CDT
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -6:00 hours |
Daylight saving time: | +1:00 hour |
Current time zone offset: | UTC/GMT -5:00 hours |
Time zone abbreviation: | CDT |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00
Time zone
The 580 area code lies within the Central Time (CT)
CST - Central Standard TimeCDT - Central Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Major cities and communities served by area code 580
- Lawton
- Elgin
- Cache
- Fletcher
- Chattanooga
- Indiahoma
- Enid
- Waukomis
- Garber
- Covington
- Drummond
- Kremlin
- Breckinridge
- Hunter
- Fairmont
- Hillsdale
- Carrier
- Douglas
- Ardmore
- Healdton
- Wilson
- Springer
- Gene Autry
- Ponca City
- Blackwell
- Tonkawa
- Newkirk
- Kaw City
- Braman
- Duncan
- Marlow
- Comanche
- Velma
- Loco
- Altus
- Blair
- Olustee
- Eldorado
- Martha
- Elmer
- Headrick
- Ada
- Allen
- Roff
- Stonewall
- Fittstown
- Durant
- Colbert
- Caddo
- Bokchito
- Achille
- Bennington
- Woodward
- Mooreland
- Fort Supply
- Sharon
- Quinlan
- Elk City
- Sayre
- Erick
- Carter
- Sweetwater
- Weatherford
- Clinton
- Thomas
- Custer City
- Butler
- Guymon
- Hooker
- Texhoma
- Tyrone
- Hardesty
- Adams
- Eva
- Idabel
- Broken Bow
- Valliant
- Eagletown
- Smithville
- Rufe
- Hugo
- Boswell
- Soper
- Alva
- Waynoka
- Freedom
- Dacoma
- Capron
- Hopeton
- Perry
- Morrison
- Billings
- Red Rock
- Marland
- Sulphur
- Davis
- Dougherty
- Madill
- Kingston
- Frederick
- Grandfield
- Tipton
- Davidson
- Manitou
- Hobart
- Snyder
- Lone Wolf
- Roosevelt
- Gotebo
- Tishomingo
- Wapanucka
- Mill Creek
- Connerville
- Atoka
- Stringtown
- Watonga
- Okeene
- Canton
- Longdale
- Hitchcock
- Mangum
- Granite
- Willow
- Reed
- Cordell
- Burns Flat
- Sentinel
- Dill City
- Canute
- Bessie
- Rocky
- Marietta
- Fairview
- Ringwood
- Cleo Springs
- Ames
- Meno
- Chester
- Walters
- Temple
- Randlett
- Devol
- Antlers
- Rattan
- Waurika
- Ringling
- Ryan
- Terral
- Hastings
- Hollis
- Gould
- Vinson
- Coalgate
- Tupelo
- Clarita
- Carnegie
- Apache
- Cyril
- Alfalfa
- Cherokee
- Helena
- Carmen
- Goltry
- Jet
- Aline
- Burlington
- Stratford
- Hennepin
- Beaver
- Forgan
- Turpin
- Gate
- Balko
- Floris
- Logan
- Shattuck
- Gage
- Fargo
- Harmon
- Laverne
- Buffalo
- May
- Selman
- Konawa
- Rush Springs
- Boise City
- Keyes
- Kenton
- Medford
- Pond Creek
- Lamont
- Wakita
- Nash
- Deer Creek
- Manchester
- Seiling
- Vici
- Leedey
- Taloga
- Camargo
- Oakwood
- Putnam
- Fay
- Cheyenne
- Hammon
- Reydon
- Glencoe
- Marshall
- Orlando
- Gerty
- Atwood