Local time
--:-- CST
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -6:00 hours |
No daylight saving time at the moment |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00
Time zone
The 641 area code lies within the Central Time (CT)
CST - Central Standard TimeCDT - Central Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Major cities and communities served by area code 641
- Marshalltown
- State Center
- Le Grand
- Melbourne
- Gilman
- Albion
- Liscomb
- Laurel
- Mason City
- Clear Lake
- Rockwell
- Thornton
- Plymouth
- Meservey
- Dougherty
- Ottumwa
- Eldon
- Blakesburg
- Chillicothe
- Newton
- Monroe
- Baxter
- Kellogg
- Reasnor
- Killduff
- Oskaloosa
- New Sharon
- Eddyville
- Fremont
- Barnes City
- Rose Hill
- Leighton
- Pella
- Knoxville
- Melcher-Dallas
- Bussey
- Attica
- Tracy
- Fairfield
- Batavia
- Libertyville
- Grinnell
- Brooklyn
- Montezuma
- Malcom
- Deep River
- Searsboro
- Creston
- Afton
- Lorimor
- Arispe
- Kent
- Charles City
- Nora Springs
- Rockford
- Floyd
- Marble Rock
- Centerville
- Moravia
- Moulton
- Mystic
- Cincinnati
- Unionville
- Iowa Falls
- Eldora
- Ackley
- Hubbard
- Union
- Steamboat Rock
- Osceola
- Murray
- Hampton
- Sheffield
- Latimer
- Alexander
- Geneva
- Chariton
- Williamson
- Derby
- Forest City
- Buffalo Center
- Thompson
- Leland
- Scarville
- Albia
- Lovilia
- Melrose
- Osage
- Stacyville
- New Haven
- New Hampton
- Nashua
- Alta Vista
- Garner
- Britt
- Kanawha
- Klemme
- Crystal Lake
- Goodell
- Miller
- Tama
- Toledo
- Gladbrook
- Garwin
- Chelsea
- Montour
- Bloomfield
- Floris
- Mark
- Lamoni
- Leon
- Grand River
- Garden Grove
- Davis City
- Weldon
- Belmond
- Rowan
- Sigourney
- Keota
- Hedrick
- What Cheer
- Ollie
- Harper
- Northwood
- Manly
- Fertile
- Kensett
- Grafton
- Joice
- Greenfield
- Fontanelle
- Orient
- Bridgewater
- Mount Ayr
- Diagonal
- Kellerton
- Tingley
- Redding
- Benton
- Corydon
- Seymour
- Allerton
- Humeston
- Promise City
- Millerton
- Corning
- Prescott
- Nevinville
- Guthrie Center
- Panora
- Adair
- Menlo
- Yale
- Jamaica
- Lenox
- Clearfield
- Blockton
- Sharpsburg
- Greene
- Aredale
- Conrad
- Wellsburg
- Riceville
- Elma
- Milo
- New Virginia
- Martensdale
- Lacona
- Collins
- Linden
- Douds
- Macksburg