Local time
--:-- CDT
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -6:00 hours |
Daylight saving time: | +1:00 hour |
Current time zone offset: | UTC/GMT -5:00 hours |
Time zone abbreviation: | CDT |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00
Time zone
The 712 area code lies within the Central Time (CT)
CST - Central Standard TimeCDT - Central Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Major cities and communities served by area code 712
- Sioux City
- Sergeant Bluff
- Moville
- Sloan
- Correctionville
- Anthon
- Salix
- Pierson
- Danbury
- Hornick
- Smithland
- Cushing
- Oto
- Climbing Hill
- Council Bluffs
- Oakland
- Avoca
- Treynor
- Neola
- Carson
- Walnut
- Minden
- Macedonia
- Hancock
- Spencer
- Everly
- Royal
- Peterson
- Webb
- Gillett Grove
- Storm Lake
- Alta
- Newell
- Sioux Rapids
- Albert City
- Marathon
- Rembrandt
- Linn Grove
- Carroll
- Manning
- Coon Rapids
- Glidden
- Breda
- Arcadia
- Dedham
- Halbur
- Lidderdale
- Lanesboro
- Le Mars
- Remsen
- Akron
- Kingsley
- Hinton
- Merrill
- Brunsville
- Denison
- Schleswig
- Manilla
- Charter Oak
- Vail
- Kiron
- Ricketts
- Sioux Center
- Orange City
- Rock Valley
- Hawarden
- Alton
- Hospers
- Boyden
- Ireton
- Matlock
- Atlantic
- Griswold
- Anita
- Lewis
- Massena
- Cumberland
- Marne
- Wiota
- Estherville
- Ringsted
- Wallingford
- Dolliver
- Red Oak
- Villisca
- Stanton
- Elliott
- Grant
- Clarinda
- Shenandoah
- Essex
- Coin
- Glenwood
- Malvern
- Silver City
- Henderson
- Mineola
- Sheldon
- Hartley
- Paullina
- Primghar
- Sutherland
- Archer
- Cherokee
- Marcus
- Aurelia
- Quimby
- Washta
- Meriden
- Larrabee
- Spirit Lake
- Milford
- Lake Park
- Terril
- Superior
- Harlan
- Elk Horn
- Shelby
- Irwin
- Defiance
- Panama
- Portsmouth
- Kirkman
- Emmetsburg
- Graettinger
- Ruthven
- Mallard
- Ayrshire
- Cylinder
- Curlew
- Onawa
- Mapleton
- Whiting
- Ute
- Moorhead
- Blencoe
- Soldier
- Castana
- Missouri Valley
- Logan
- Woodbine
- Dunlap
- Mondamin
- Persia
- Pisgah
- Magnolia
- Sibley
- Ocheyedan
- Ashton
- May City
- Rock Rapids
- George
- Larchwood
- Inwood
- Doon
- Alvord
- Sac City
- Lake View
- Odebolt
- Wall Lake
- Schaller
- Auburn
- Nemaha
- Rockwell City
- Lake City
- Lohrville
- Lytton
- Ida Grove
- Holstein
- Battle Creek
- Galva
- Audubon
- Exira
- Kimballton
- Brayton
- Pocahontas
- Laurens
- Fonda
- Rolfe
- Palmer
- Plover
- Bedford
- New Market
- Gravity
- Hamburg
- Sidney
- Farragut
- Riverton
- Thurman
- Randolph
- Percival
- Imogene
- Scranton
- Bayard
- Nodaway