World Time Zone Map 867

867 Area code

Location, time zone and map of the 867 area code

Local time

--:-- MDT
--:-- CDT
--:-- PDT

Time difference to GMT/UTC

Time zone Difference to UTC/GMT
Mountain Time
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -7:00 hours
Daylight saving time: +1:00 hour
Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -6:00 hours
Time zone abbreviation: MDT
Central Time
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -6:00 hours
Daylight saving time: +1:00 hour
Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -5:00 hours
Time zone abbreviation: CDT
Pacific Time
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -8:00 hours
Daylight saving time: +1:00 hour
Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -7:00 hours
Time zone abbreviation: PDT

Daylight Saving Time 2024 (Summer Time)

Time zones DST Transitions
Mountain Time
Central Time
Pacific Time
DST starts on
Sunday 10 March 2024, 02:00
DST ends on
Sunday 03 November 2024, 02:00

Time zones

Mountain Time:
- MST - Mountain Standard Time
- MDT - Mountain Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)

Central Time:
- CST - Central Standard Time
- CDT - Central Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)

Pacific Time:
- PST - Pacific Standard Time
- PDT - Pacific Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)




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