World Time Paraguay Asuncion

Time in Asuncion now


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Asuncion time to your local time converter

Asuncion is the capital of Paraguay

Current local time in Asuncion and DST dates in 2024

Local time

--:-- -04


Asuncion time change

Next time change is in 2 months and 12 days, set your clock forward 1 hour.

Asuncion summer time (DST) in 2024

Daylight saving time 2024 in Asuncion ends at 12:00 AM on Sunday, March 24 Set your clock back 1 hour
It starts again at 12:00 AM on Sunday, October 06 Set your clock forward 1 hour

Asuncion time zone

UTC-03 when daylight saving time is being observed (from January, 1 to late March, from early October to the end of the year)

Time difference to GMT/UTC

Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -4 hours
No daylight saving time at the moment


Latitude: 25° 18' South
Longitude: 57° 38' West
Population: 1482200

Asuncion online map

Asuncion online map

Time at locations near Asuncion time zone : Santiago, Caracas, Manaus, La Paz, Georgetown


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