Local time
--:-- EDT
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -5:00 hours |
Daylight saving time: | +1:00 hour |
Current time zone offset: | UTC/GMT -4:00 hours |
Time zone abbreviation: | EDT |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00
Time zone
The 269 area code lies within the Eastern Time (ET)
EST - Eastern Standard TimeEDT - Eastern Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Major cities and communities served by area code 269
- Kalamazoo
- Portage
- Vicksburg
- Galesburg
- Parchment
- Schoolcraft
- Richland
- Climax
- Battle Creek
- Marshall
- Athens
- Niles
- Benton Harbor
- Fair Plain
- Buchanan
- Paw Paw Lake
- Bridgman
- New Buffalo
- Berrien Springs
- Three Oaks
- Coloma
- Eau Claire
- Sawyer
- Sturgis
- Three Rivers
- Constantine
- White Pigeon
- Centreville
- Colon
- Mendon
- Burr Oak
- Hastings
- Middleville
- Allegan
- Wayland
- Otsego
- Plainwell
- Fennville
- Saugatuck
- Hopkins
- Martin
- Glenn
- Hamilton
- South Haven
- Paw Paw
- Hartford
- Lawton
- Bangor
- Decatur
- Lawrence
- Gobles
- Covert
- Sister Lakes
- Grand Junction
- Cassopolis
- Edwardsburg
- Marcellus
- Vandalia
- Olivet
- Bellevue