Local time
--:-- CST
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -6:00 hours |
No daylight saving time at the moment |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00
Time zone
The 651 area code lies within the Central Time (CT)
CST - Central Standard TimeCDT - Central Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Major cities and communities served by area code 651
- Woodbury
- Cottage Grove
- Forest Lake
- Stillwater
- Hugo
- Mahtomedi
- Bayport
- Newport
- Eagan
- Inver Grove Heights
- Rosemount
- Farmington
- Hastings
- Mendota Heights
- Maplewood
- Roseville
- Shoreview
- White Bear Lake
- New Brighton
- Vadnais Heights
- Little Canada
- Arden Hills
- Falcon Heights
- North Oaks
- Lauderdale
- Lino Lakes
- Centerville
- Red Wing
- Goodhue
- White Rock
- North Branch
- Wyoming
- Stacy
- Harris
- Lake City
- Wabasha