Local time
--:-- EDT
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -5:00 hours |
Daylight saving time: | +1:00 hour |
Current time zone offset: | UTC/GMT -4:00 hours |
Time zone abbreviation: | EDT |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00
Time zone
The 814 area code lies within the Eastern Time (ET)
EST - Eastern Standard TimeEDT - Eastern Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Major cities and communities served by area code 814
- Erie
- Corry
- Edinboro
- North East
- Wesleyville
- Union City
- Girard
- Waterford
- Wattsburg
- Altoona
- Hollidaysburg
- Tyrone
- Roaring Spring
- Martinsburg
- Bellwood
- Claysburg
- Williamsburg
- State College
- Bellefonte
- Boalsburg
- Philipsburg
- Millheim
- Snow Shoe
- Howard
- Port Matilda
- Spring Mills
- Johnstown
- Westmont
- Ebensburg
- Nanty Glo
- Portage
- Cresson
- Colver
- South Fork
- Carrolltown
- Meadville
- Titusville
- Cambridge Springs
- Cochranton
- Linesville
- Saegertown
- Conneautville
- Townville
- Spartansburg
- Oil City
- Franklin
- Warren
- Russell
- Sheffield
- Tidioute
- Bradford
- Kane
- Port Allegany
- Smethport
- Mount Jewett
- Eldred
- Ludlow
- Huntingdon
- Mount Union
- Three Springs
- Orbisonia
- Alexandria
- Warriors Mark
- Clarion
- Knox
- New Bethlehem
- Rimersburg
- Sligo
- Shippenville
- Somerset
- Windber
- Meyersdale
- Berlin
- Boswell
- Central City
- Rockwood
- Confluence
- Hooversville
- Clearfield
- Osceola Mills
- Coalport
- Mahaffey
- Luthersburg
- Ridgway
- Johnsonburg
- Kersey
- Weedville
- Wilcox
- Brookville
- Brockway
- Sykesville
- Sigel
- Marienville
- Tionesta
- Bedford
- Everett
- Hyndman
- Saxton
- Schellsburg
- Loysburg
- Coudersport
- Galeton
- Shinglehouse
- Roulette
- Ulysses
- Austin
- Genesee
- Harrison Valley
- Emporium
- Driftwood
- Elkland
- Westfield
- Sabinsville
- Seward
- Cherry Tree
- Glen Campbell