Current time in Saint-Marcel
--:-- AST
Offset to GMT/UTC
Standard time: | UTC/GMT -4 hours |
No daylight saving time at the moment |
Daylight Saving Time 2025 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 09 March 2025, 02:00 Saint-Marcel standard time
DST ends on Sunday 02 November 2025, 02:00 Saint-Marcel daylight time
Astronomical data
Today | Yesterday | Tomorrow | |
Sunrise Time: | 7:59:09 AM | 7:58:41 AM | 7:59:34 AM |
Sunset Time: | 4:35:17 PM | 4:34:45 PM | 4:35:51 PM |
Length of day: | 8 h 36 m 08 s | 8 h 36 m 04 s | 8 h 36 m 17 s |
Solar Noon: | 12:17:13 PM | 12:16:43 PM | 12:17:42 PM |
Astronomical Twilight Starts: | 6:09:27 AM | 6:08:59 AM | 6:09:53 AM |
Astronomical Twilight Ends: | 6:24:58 PM | 6:24:27 PM | 6:25:32 PM |
Saint-Marcel time zone
- AST - Atlantic Standard Time
- ADT - Atlantic Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Airport | IATA | ICAO | Distance to Saint-Marcel |
Greater Moncton International Airport | YQM | CYQM | 24 km |
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Saint-Marcel |
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Latitude: | 46° 19′ 09″ North |
Longitude: | 64° 34′ 49″ West |
Time at locations near Saint-Marcel time zone: Santo Domingo, San Juan, Halifax, Willemstad, Bridgetown, Fort-de-France, Saint John, Port of Spain, Charlottetown, Oranjestad, Kingstown, Saint John's, Castries, Roseau, Basseterre, Plymouth, Road Town