Local time
--:-- EST
Detroit summer time (DST) in 2025
Daylight saving time 2025 in Detroit begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 09 | Set your clock forward 1 hour |
It ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 02 | Set your clock back 1 hour |
Detroit time zone
- EST - Eastern Standard Time
- EDT - Eastern Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time zone: | UTC/GMT -5 hours |
No daylight saving time at the moment |
Airport | IATA | ICAO | Distance to Detroit |
Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport | DTW | KDTW | 27 km |
Latitude: | 42° 2' North |
Longitude: | 83° 03' West |
Population: | 677116 |
Elevation: | 183 meters |
Time at locations near Detroit time zone : New York, Toronto, Montreal, Philadelphia, Port-au-Prince, Kingston, Jacksonville, Columbus, Indianapolis, Charlotte