World Time United States New York New York

Current local time in New York

New York

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New York time to your local time converter

New York - local time right now, summer/winter time conversion dates in 2025

Local time

--:-- EST


New York summer time (DST) in 2025

Daylight saving time 2025 in New York begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 09 Set your clock forward 1 hour
It ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 02 Set your clock back 1 hour

New York time zone

Eastern Time:
- EST - Eastern Standard Time
- EDT - Eastern Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from early March to early November)

Time difference to GMT/UTC

Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours
No daylight saving time at the moment


Airport IATA ICAO Distance to New York
La Guardia Airport LGA KLGA 12 km
Newark Liberty International Airport EWR KEWR 14 km
John F. Kennedy International Airport JFK KJFK 20 km
Stewart International Airport SWF KSWF 87 km


Latitude: 40° 43' North
Longitude: 74° 0' West
Population: 8175133
Elevation: 10 meters

New York online map

New York online map

Time at locations near New York time zone : Toronto, Montreal, Philadelphia, Port-au-Prince, Kingston, Jacksonville, Columbus, Indianapolis, Charlotte, Ottawa


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